what’s on the horizon for automotive ? 

In today’s digital world, traditional vehicle production is being surpassed by software-centric manufacturing. Automakers who understand the need for advancement are positioned to take the lead – and become a prime destination for the industry’s top talent.


software-defined vehicles (SDV) are overtaking. 

The motor industry is shifting. Drivers are adopting a digital-first mindset. 


collision rate reduction from assistive driving features.


of SDV owners said connected features influenced their choice of vehicle.


estimated SDVs worldwide by 2027.


tech-centric suppliers are taking the wheel. 

Skills gaps are becoming apparent. There is a growing demand for tech capabilities. 


expected global SDV market size growth, reaching $211 billion by 2032.


savings per vehicle for Original Equipment Manufacturers from investing in software-centric approach.


of tech employees will only join or stay with a company if they can work on a remote or hybrid basis.


the future of automotive is tech. 

With fierce competition to close the software skills gap, tier one suppliers need to quickly adopt a digital mindset in order to gain an advantage. 

1. embrace industry trends 

Offer competitive, remote-first roles that promote job satisfaction. 

2. prioritize innovation

Put creativity, modernization and cutting-edge technology at the forefront of everything you do.

3. invest in upskilling 

Companies that invest 25 percent of their R&D budget in software applications are rewarded with strong growth.

we can help you.

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identify the challenges to get automotive suppliers back in the driving seat. 

Huge advances are being made towards making the SDV a reality. Are you keeping pace ? 

Reputable software, strong leadership and talented specialists are vital components for the car of the future. Stop your SDV project from stalling and be part of the next frontier in automotive innovation.


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