45 percent of data breaches are cloud-based.

As safety-critical sectors like automotive and aerospace migrate their high-stakes systems to the Cloud, staying secure has never been more important. With sensitive applications and data at risk, public safety hangs in the balance, and these industries can’t afford to gamble.

Yet while robust, industry-specific security features are clearly needed to address unique challenges and regulatory requirements, these must be carefully balanced with agility and responsiveness.

How can the automotive and aerospace sectors find a middle ground?

confidentiality, compliance and classified data.

Proprietary information is only as good as the measures in place to protect it. Without protection, sensitive data like vehicle designs and aircraft specifications are vulnerable to breaches and theft, jeopardizing both innovation and safety. It’s vital to keep this data classified at all costs.

encrypting information

Approximately 85 percent of enterprises keep sensitive data in the Cloud. To protect confidential design information, end-to-end encryption is a must. This means classifying data to establish encryption needs, implementing secure key management and access control, and ensuring encryption for data-at-rest and data-in-transit. And, with regular compliance audits and employee training on best practices, it’s easier to keep the whole organization on the straight and narrow.

compliance challenges

Nearly three quarters of organizations cite compliance as a top cloud security challenge. Complying with industry-specific regulations, such as those set out by the Federal Aviation Administration and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is no easy feat—but it is of the utmost importance when it comes to migrating sensitive data to the Cloud. By adhering to regulatory requirements through data classification, access control and auditing, businesses can keep their cloud operations secure and compliant, minimizing the risk of breaches and financial penalties. Not only does this level of proactivity help to protect sensitive information, but it also builds trust with stakeholders and boosts reputation.

preventing data loss

Given the nature of data loss challenges faced by modern organizations, it’s surprising that only 41 percent have implemented zero trust controls in their cloud infrastructure. Yet for aerospace manufacturers, the stakes are especially high. They must protect their proprietary aircraft designs and manufacturing processes, or risk losing them to competitors—and that requires robust data loss prevention (DLP) solutions that prevent unauthorized data exfiltration. Integrating proactive DLP capabilities into cloud-based collaboration platforms and document management systems helps to safeguard important data and designs, avoiding mission-critical information falling into the wrong hands and ensuring agility when it comes to managing threats.

protecting IP.

Intellectual property (IP) is a vehicle manufacturer’s bread and butter. If sensitive information gets leaked, the company loses their competitive advantage, and that can be almost impossible to come back from. Restricting access to top-secret data is the key.

role-based access controls

According to IBM, RBAC can reduce security incidents by up to 75 percent by limiting access to sensitive data and resources. In industries like aerospace and automotive, where proprietary designs and engineering data are crucial, RBAC helps to keep information on a need-to-know basis—establishing permissions, conducting regular access reviews, adhering to the principle of least privilege, and ensuring that no one person has complete control over any process. By providing ongoing training, monitoring user activities and integrating RBAC with identity management systems, firms can ensure fast responses to security incidents and establish a framework that protects IP effectively.

secure collaboration

Collaborating securely with external partners and suppliers can be a challenge. In fact, 45 percent of organizations have experienced a third-party security incident in the past year alone. To minimize these risks, secure collaboration platforms and encrypted communication channels are a game changer when it comes to safeguarding intellectual property. By establishing secure data sharing protocols, manufacturers can control access to confidential documents and prevent unauthorized distribution, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information when collaborating.

enhanced incident response

The benefits of sharing threat intelligence and cybersecurity best practices across industry networks is not to be underestimated. On average, half of attacks can be stopped by intelligence threat feeds. By coordinating incident response efforts, businesses can mitigate sector-wide cyber threats far more quickly and effectively than by working alone. Joint cyber exercises, cross-industry partnerships and centralized communication help organizations to stop threats in their tracks, reducing the overall impact of cyberattacks and boosting collective resilience.

supply chain security.

vendor risk management

Almost a third of risk executives say third-party risk presents the greatest threat to their company's ability to drive growth. For automotive manufacturers and tier 1 suppliers, managing this risk is particularly important because of the potential dangers of intellectual property theft and supply chain disruptions. By conducting thorough risk assessments, supplier audits and due diligence checks, businesses can ensure the integrity and security of their supply chain, protect sensitive information and manage the reliability of components and systems.

aerospace supply chain resilience

The interconnected nature of the aerospace supply chain raises major security concerns. According to a survey conducted by Gartner, nearly half of aerospace and defense companies reported a supply chain disruption in the past 12 months, with an average cost of $184 million per disruption. Building supply chain resilience through diversification, redundancy and contingency planning helps avoid incidents like this, while supply chain visibility and cybersecurity measures further mitigate the risks of disruptions and attacks on critical cloud-based components. Ultimately, this boosts the reliability of the aerospace industry's supply network.

agility for the ages.

The Cloud is only going to increase organizational agility and accelerate time to value as time goes on. By 2027, more than 50 percent of enterprises will use industry cloud platforms to accelerate their business initiatives.

With this in mind, industry-specific security measures and regulatory compliance throughout the cloud migration process must remain a top priority. If organizations don’t take proactive action, they’ll face severe consequences, including data breaches, IP theft, hefty fines and supply chain disruptions. To mitigate these risks, it’s vital for the automotive and aerospace industry to collaborate, share best practices and leverage sector-specific cybersecurity—securing their cloud systems throughout deployment and beyond.

Want to discover how Randstad Digital can help your organization migrate to the Cloud? Download Roadmap to Future-Ready Cloud Enablement here.


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